
Expectation of Proper Resident Conduct

Effectively immediately the Board has adopted a new policy regarding proper conduct when it comes to homeowners and their interactions with the employees of the companies that we contract with to provide services in Round Hill.

If you find yourself having an issue with one of our contractors, you can contact the Board or you can politely talk with the contractors directly. Most of the time simple misunderstandings can be solved with a quick conversation between reasonable people.

What you cannot do is stand in their way, climb onto their machines, or do anything else to impede their ability to do the job they were hired to do. Verbal and/or physical assault is also completely unacceptable and our contractors have been advised to ignore such behavior and contact the Police.

The Board has approved the use of a $1,000 assessment and we will issue these assessments to any homeowner who is unable to conduct themselves properly.

With regards specifically to snow plowing, many residents have personal opinions on what they think should be happening during a storm. A lot of residents are getting upset and angry over things that are perfectly reasonable if you understand the context. Please read the attached letter from Chris Oliver, Owner of Total Package Landscaping, LLC who provides snow removal services for Round Hill.

Total Package Landscaping Letter to Round Hill Residents